When one's name is associated with the famous Tan Sri P. Ramlee, one was obliged to perform in front of the crowd. One can't disappoint the crowd, well at least that would be one's intention - to please the crowd.
One cannot disappoint the musical director either. He is a professional, a man of various musical talents, good with both his fingers and mouth. I mean this guy can pick the guitar, both Spanish and electric flawlessly. I too can pick the guitar, if the guitar was about to fall from its stand!
He blew the Saxophone just like Ahmad Nawab. Kenny G would have to change the alphabet to his name.
He could plant his fingers on the keyboard and piano just as confidently as I grip the handle bar of my bicycle. He melted the heart while I worked the heart beat!
When he blew the flute, my heart beat moved almost into sleep mode. But when he expanded and compressed the accordion to accompany my JOGET KELATE, M Daud Kilau would want to duet with me!
He is KHALILI KHALID (KK), a batch-mate of mine in RMC.
So, today the musical director directed us to attend rehearsal at his house for tomorrow's big night. I meant he was giving us "directions" to his house in Semenyih!
When I arrived just after 1300 hrs, Bob was already there. Bob is Dato Roshdi Nordin, another batchmate. In RMC, Bob was the envy of us from the kampongs. He was from KL so he could do all the twist and dance routine that we from the kampongs could only gasp in awe!Today, Bob would be matching his vocal chords to the tunes he had selected for the crowd.
Shortly after I arrived, the Arab arrived. He is Syed Hashim. A strong supporter, he had always been our function man. No, he was not in charge of the functions. He attended almost ALL the functions. He won't be offering his vocal chords to the crowd though he certainly could.
Arab is man of many talents. In RMC, he represented the RMC in almost all the games. He was also the Malaysian National Junior Tennis champion. In adulthood, he was the Malaysian Malays Golf Champion. By the way, I'm learning golf from him now!
But alas, he had found some other love and cravings.
Later George Lopez (aka Trini Lopez) arrived. He came straight from the airport, direct from Perth. He was picked up by Arifin Hew, another batch-mate of ours.
He needed no practise. He was a pro. I suspected he moonlighted from his accounting practise to sing in nightclubs in Perth. He knew what key he would sing in, while I @ P.Ramlee @ M Daud Kilau was fumbling for my carkeys when the Musical Director asked for the key!
I must not forget another professional musician, Khairafik or Rafik for short. Rafik is KK's nephew and runs a music studio in Taman Tun. We were therefore accompanied by professionals and we therefore must sing like one, or at least pretended to be one.
But of-course, all the practise would not have been worthwhile if not for the great effort of KK's wife, Salha who was a fantastic host and ...ssshhh... a great cook! I believe, for once I beat the Arab at his own game! Yeah, I put in more calories than Arab did that day. I'm only posting the shot we took for tea. I just didn't have time to take any shot during lunch. Thank you "yam leave" Salha. Suruh-suruh lah Khalili buat jam session dirumah selalu.