Friday, October 1, 2010


So, where are these islands? Well, if you look at the green patch on the google map above (top most) that's where the islands are. Unfortunately I cannot magnify the google map any nearer to show these islands at closer view. Doing so blurs the view.

The green color tells you that these islands are...well...still green. Compare that with the mainland, you get an idea why you should visit these islands. I must admit though the "blue" of the rivers in the map are misleading. But the greens are real.

Sadly, one can scoop a teh tarek from the river. But that's no fault of the islanders. Development upstream, as far up as Gua Musang have brought the silt down to the Kelantan river mouth. 


Al-Manar said...


Yes, the map does make a difference.

HAJAR INN said...

Your google map is from the older version , try loading a new released of the map,it is of a higher resolution and you are able to see more detail of the island and what Tumpat has.