Tuesday, January 23, 2007


It's here again. A day off from exercising my legs, a chance to exercise my fingers...on the camera. Venue was a 3km circuit around the Lake Garden of KL starting from Padang Merdeka. Event was the Florathon 2007, in conjunction with Malaysia's 50th anniversary and VMY 2007. I was early, arriving at the car park at the Lake Gardens at 0700, my bike on the roof rack of my Kelisa.
So where do I ........

At Padang Merdeka of course. And I thought I was early. Everybody and everything were there - mini photographers, maxi photographers - amateurs, semis, professionals, professional-look-alikes, cameras - expensive cameras, cheapos, huge tele lens, not so huge tele lens (like mine), mono pods, tripods, I Pods, Dopods.....all clicking away

I must also single out a very engaging couple. They were enjoying every minute of the fest, soaking in with youngs and not so youngs. I pray I can remain on my mobile two wheels for as long as I could, Insyallah.

Subjects were aplenty and 200% willing. Colors were everywhere - from head down to toe.

Flowers likewise were everywhere - on the head down to toe,

The Pharmaton colors were here too

That's to be expected. After all its ....

Everyone took a break from the daily stress, notwithstanding the DBKL employees. For them, it's a chance to feel useful when city folks and out-of-city folks came to enjoy and appreciate Kuala Lumpur

On my bike, I stayed ahead of the the 3km walk. An advantage indeed. The walk did take its toll (not the Samy Velu kind), but the toll on the walkers. But the Organisers were well-prepared. St Johns, the Ambulance was eveready...and you get good attention when you smile, better if you are a lady in distress!

And this flower mum was also well prepared.

I singled out some individual flower girls too. My Home Minister does read my blog. Anyway ma'am, its art...pure and simple.

And sometimes I took only their backs...very selamat

And I took kids' photos too. And I'm sure it will be very okay if they cook for me :-)

I like close-ups too. The vibrance of the colors were...well very "bouncy".

It was threatening to rain earlier. It drizzled a little. Then, the sun came out. So the sunglass came out.

With so many shots taken, my camera battery was running low. I manage a final shot of a familiar face, an official from Tourism Ministry

....and I took a very final shot with the Queen of England!

Till we meet again

1 comment:

oops did I just say that? said...

hahahah..bah u rock!!
i like the pictures but u were nothing like the flowers..!!
thats uncle moosa!!